7 Great Lunch Places in Aarhus, Denmark
Tired of spending too much money at mediocre restaurants? Here’s an (incomplete) list of my favorite lunch places in Aarhus.
What I Spend Money on When Traveling Solo
When it comes to spending while traveling, there is no right or wrong. It’s all about preferences and priorities. Here’s what I chose to spend and save on when on the road.
How Not to Kill Each Other on a 16 Hour Road Trip
Ever been stuck in a car with someone for 16 hours? Here’s your survival guide.
Sommer in den Dolomiten
In Fotos: Die fantastische Aussicht um die Cinque Torri in den Dolomiten.
Summer in the Dolomites
In pictures: the stunning views around the Cinque Torri in the Dolomites.
Summer in the Dolomites
In pictures: the stunning views around the Cinque Torri in the Dolomites.
Why I Travel Solo
Why I chose to travel solo over and over again.
Tipps Für Einen Aktivurlaub an der Italienischen Riviera
Keine Lust auf langweiligen Strandurlaub oder Sehenswürdigkeiten abklappern? Hier sind 7 Tipps für einen Aktivurlaub an der Italienischen Riviera.
Tips For an Active Holiday at the Italian Riviera
Tired of the lazy all-inclusive beach holiday? Here’s 7 tips for an exciting holiday at the Italian Riviera.
What To Do In Milan, Italy
My tips for a short trip to Milan.
Perspective Stockholm
Die bezaubernde Malina erzählt uns von ihrer Wahlheimat, Stockholm.
Perspective Stockholm
The lovely Malina from Germany tells us how she feels about Stockholm, her home of choice, and gives us her perspective on the beautiful Swedish capital.
Allein durch Andalusien
Warum Andalusien ein ausgezeichnetes Reiseziel für eine Solo-Rundreise ist, inklusive Tipps für Alleinreisende
Solo Travel in Andalusia, Spain
Why Andalusia is a great destination for a solo round trip + some tips for the solo traveller.
Die Dächer Venedigs
Zwischen den scheinbar endlos fortlaufenden Hausnummern in den schmalen Gassen Venedigs, lohnt es sich, auch mal hoch zu schauen. Hier eine kleine Kollektion von einem Blick nach oben.
Roofs of Venice
In Venice our eyes are drawn to the canals, the fascinating Gondolas and the narrow, winding streets. But let’s not forget to look up, as well. Here’s a small collection of the Venetian roofs.
Finding A Culture That Fits
Sometimes, you can find a culture that simply fits, even though it’s not actually yours. Here’s the story of how I found a home away from home.
Was Tun, Wenn Die Reise Nichts Wird?
Nichts ist frustrierender, als eine Reise, die nichts wird. Wie man aus der geplanten Reisezeit trotzdem das meiste herausholen und gut gelaunt wieder in den Alltag starten kann, zeigen diese 10 Tipps.
10 Ways To Make Up For A Cancelled Trip
There’s nothing more frustrating than travel plans falling through. Here are ten suggestions on what to do with the time, that you were supposed to spend traveling.
About true friends on bad days.