Full moon
Teach me how to be more like you
On the Streets of Florence #4
About one year in Italy and struggling to make it home.
On the Streets of Florence #3
About restless souls and why I love it too much to come home just yet.
On the Streets of Florence #2
About an unusual encounter and a lesson to listen to the friends we don’t know yet.
On the Streets of Florence #1
About moving to a new country and being in the right place at the right time.
The Most Important Thing When Travelling Solo or Moving Abroad
Hands-on tips on how to make friends when travelling solo or moving abroad.
My Travels in 2017
Maybe my past trips could inspire your future trips?
7 Great Lunch Places in Aarhus, Denmark
Tired of spending too much money at mediocre restaurants? Here’s an (incomplete) list of my favorite lunch places in Aarhus.
What I Spend Money on When Traveling Solo
When it comes to spending while traveling, there is no right or wrong. It’s all about preferences and priorities. Here’s what I chose to spend and save on when on the road.
How Not to Kill Each Other on a 16 Hour Road Trip
Ever been stuck in a car with someone for 16 hours? Here’s your survival guide.
Why I Travel Solo
Why I chose to travel solo over and over again.
Tips For an Active Holiday at the Italian Riviera
Tired of the lazy all-inclusive beach holiday? Here’s 7 tips for an exciting holiday at the Italian Riviera.
What To Do In Milan, Italy
My tips for a short trip to Milan.
Solo Travel in Andalusia, Spain
Why Andalusia is a great destination for a solo round trip + some tips for the solo traveller.
Finding A Culture That Fits
Sometimes, you can find a culture that simply fits, even though it’s not actually yours. Here’s the story of how I found a home away from home.
10 Ways To Make Up For A Cancelled Trip
There’s nothing more frustrating than travel plans falling through. Here are ten suggestions on what to do with the time, that you were supposed to spend traveling.